Monday, May 13, 2019

Funny data about Marvel Avengers.

  1. A total of 36 countries and regions on earth are mentioned in 22 works of marvel.
  2. In the 11-year film history of the Marvel Film Universe, 30 other planets and spaces were mentioned.
  3. In the 22 films of Marvel, Iron Man shot a total of 210 laser cannons from his mechanical arm. On average, 40 laser guns were fired in an hour of Iron Man's debut.
  4. Captain America threw a total of 50 shields in the 11-year film history of Marvel.
  5. In all of the 22 films of Marvel, the Hawkeye shot a total of 64 arrows. Of course, it means the lens we saw.
  6. In all the Marvel movies that Spider-Man participated in, Spider-Man shot 65 spiderwebs.
  7. As one of the mascots of the Marvel movie universe, Groot said 36 times, I am Groot.
  8. Iron Man has given 35 nicknames to everyone in Marvel's 22 works.
  9. Iron Man called a total of 49 Jarvis in the 11 years of the Marvel movie universe.
  10. There were 29 deep affection kisses in 22 films. Almost every major superhero character has already given their first on-screen kiss.
  11. Among the 22 works of the Marvel Movie Universe, a total of 10 superhero parents left the world. Thanks to the help of the Winter Soldier, Iron Man’s parents took up two seats.
  12. You could find these costumes in cosmanles.

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